Office 365

What is it?

Microsoft Office 365 is Microsoft’s answer to the basic needs of an IT user. It comprises both installable software and a suite of online services.

The installable product is the Microsoft Office software we are all familiar with:

  • Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc for creating and editing documents
  • Access for small databases
  • Outlook for email

The online services comprise: 

  • Exchange Online – mailboxes
  • OneDrive – synchronises personal files on your PC with cloud storage
  • SharePoint – shared files in cloud storage
  • Teams – collaboration tool for a group of users that combines files, shared calendar, chat and video calling

> Microsoft 365 explained in more detail


How can Office 365 benefit me?

It is a pay-monthly subscription. Expenditure becomes OpEx, not CapEx, which helps cashflow. You pay for licenses on a per-user basis.

You can add and remove licenses. As your workforce expands, you can add user licenses to your subscription. If you shrink, you can remove licenses, saving money.

You always get get the latest software. Your Office apps (Word, Excel, Outlook etc) and the cloud-based services (Exchange mailboxes, Sharepoint files etc) are updated by Microsoft from time to time. You get to use the new versions as soon as they are released.

You may be able to decommission servers. If you use file or mail servers, for example, you may be able to remove them from your network.


How InfoSysCo can help

We are competent and experienced Microsoft Office 365 (MS365) specialists. There are several ways that we can help:

Get you started with MS365. We can help you setup your cloud tenant, add users and groups, setup Teams and SharePoint, while supporting your users during the process.

Migrate your data to MS365. We can move mailboxes from on-premise servers or other providers to MS365, migrate your fileserver data to SharePoint and implement OneDrive to sync files with devices. We may be able to move your entire IT infrastructure out of your office!

Support MS365. We can help you and your users with the day-to-day administration and support for MS365, as part of our standard support package.

Take you further with MS365. MS365 has many, many features not explained here that may help you improve business systems and processes. As we get to know you and your business better, we may be able to suggest ways to build on your MS365 services to save time and improve quality.

[Coming soon: For a walkthrough of how we might move you to MS365, click here].


Telephone 033 00 88 50 61 to discuss your requirements.